What we offer
The eCOMPAS® and e2® Suite of Technology Solutions
eCOMPAS is a breathtakingly simple, easy-to-use web-based data system developed specifically for Ryan White HIV/AIDS program management.
eCOMPAS systems are designed to meet all the data management needs of Ryan White, HOPWA, and HIV Prevention programs, including client data management and analysis, contract management, fiscal management and billing, client eligibility determinations, housing inventory management, data integration with EMRs and state and Federal data systems, client portals, automated Federal reporting, quality management and quality improvement, and client needs assessment and consumer satisfaction.
Security and Privacy
The eCOMPAS® platform meets and exceeds the highest standards of security and privacy. Click HERE to view our Security and Privacy page for more details.
RDE’s Outcomes Based Methodology
The eCOMPAS® team provides so much more than just technology solutions. We employ an outcomes-based approach, and our job is not done until you, the customer, are completely satisfied. Our team works closely with leadership and management to understand your vision and strategy for success.
We work with staff and your existing consultants to develop a process and plan that enable you to achieve your technology goals, and we support the technology and the process fully with team members dedicated to your organization.
eCOMPAS Technical Support
RDE is justifiably proud of the consistently high praise we receive for our excellence in customer service. While there are specific members of the team who are assigned primarily to the role of customer service and technical support, all members of the technical staff are available to assist customers or users when the need arises. RDE never outsources any of its Customer Service/Technical Support functions.
Our Philosophy
RDE Systems, maker of the eCOMPAS® and e2® suite of software products, has been serving public health for over thirty years. We are proud that RDE has grown only by referrals, and not through marketing and advertising. Our business philosophy is simple, yet refreshingly uncommon in the industry: “If you do good things for good people, good things happen.” We are focused on the long-term interests of our clients, and our commitment to Ending the HIV Epidemic, and serving those who serve People Living With or at Risk for HIV/AIDS.