Powerful and easy to use client surveying and response reporting
The eCOMPAS ® Community Platform allows you to plug-and-play powerful and easy to-use applications to help you better understand your populations, engage them in service improvement, collect valuable information for planning, and produce hard data useful for your funding applications

About e2Community
The eCOMPAS Community Platform is a powerful, HIPAA-compliant tool for community outreach, and has been used to develop Client Needs Assessment surveys, Client Satisfaction Surveys, on-line training programs for HIV Planning Councils, on-line resource guides, and other community-oriented tools for Ryan White recipients around the nation.
Data collection surveys are presented in an electronic format, which can be accessed via any device with internet access, including desktop computers, agency terminals, smart phones and other mobile devices.
The survey platform has an intuitive, user-friendly interface, and the surveys can be implemented in multiple languages. A multi-lingual audio component is available, featuring audio playback of survey questions, answers, and text in a choice of languages. These features make eCOMPAS Needs Assessment and Client Satisfaction Surveys accessible to clients with diverse ethnic and educational backgrounds, and all levels of computer literacy, health literacy and physical ability.
Because e2Community is endlessly customizable, you can build your dream system using existing features modified to your specifications, or suggest a feature of your own and we will create it.
Real-Time Data
No need for upload of data from sites, client response data available as responses are submitted. No need to wait for completion of survey wave to begin response analysis.
Powerful Reporting Features
Client response data viewable in graph & chart formats with customizable filtering & break-down options. Survey wave progress reports are available at the click of a button.
Clients can respond to surveys hosted on the e2Community platform via desktops, laptops, tablets, and mobile devices.
e2Community supports multiple languages per survey, as well as voice-over question & answer playback to assist low-literacy populations.
Ease of Use & Administration
Initial survey data entry can be completed by RDE staff, allowing you to focus on your clients. Incentive management can be performed completely within e2Community.