How Can RDE Help you?
We genuinely believe in working together toward Ending the HIV Epidemic. Our mission is to support those on the front lines of the effort to End the HIV Epidemic by providing user-friendly software products designed specifically for HIV care, Prevention and Housing programs, that provide better access to data, promote efficiency and save staff time.
Our innovative technology tools will enable you to put your data to work for you, reduce your administrative burden, and improve outreach and communication with your clients, allowing you to spend time on what really matters: improving the quality of patient care and client satisfaction.
Core Solutions
The RDE Red Suite
Free and Innovative Resources to
End the HIV Epidemic
PrEP & Prevention
Build & Evolve Your Dream System
What can we offer you?
RDE recognizes the importance of every partner in the effort to End the HIV Epidemic.
We offer systems and modules supporting all stages of the HIV Care Continuum.
Let us show you alternatives to your current inefficient data systems.
Using eCOMPAS and e2 systems, RDE has saved Ryan White, HOPWA and Prevention programs the equivalent of over 400 FTEs.
For Recipients
Client Level Data Management and Analysis
Data Quality Monitoring and Improvement
System-wide Automated Eligibility & Document Management
System-wide Data Sharing
Subrecipient & Contracts Management
Fiscal & Claims Management
Integration of Client Eligibility & Provider Claims Management, Submission & Processing
Quality Management Analysis & Reporting, Outcomes Evaluation
Data to Care
Patient Navigation
ADAP Data Management & Billing
Prevention, PrEP & Drug User Health Data Management
Automated Federal Reporting (RSR, ADR, APR, CAPER, CDC Reporting)
Interoperability with State Data Systems
Interoperability with Provider EMRs
Client Satisfaction Survey & Consumer Needs Assessment
For Providers
Clinical Data Management, Analysis & Sharing
Interoperability with EMRs
Referrals and Confirmation of Service
Program Utilization
Unit Cost Billing
Automated Federal Reporting
For Planning Councils
Online Training
Utilization Data by Demographic Profile
Outcomes Assessment
Client Activity Rating and Severity of Need Index
Web-based Needs Assessment
For Clients
Client Satisfaction Survey & Consumer Needs Assessment
Patient Portals, Eligibility & Enrollment Portals, e2PrEP Mobile Adherence Portal
Client Resource Center
Online Resource Guide
eCOMPAS Technology Tools for Ending the HIV Epidemic
Client Satisfaction Survey & Consumer Needs Assessment
Patient Portals, Eligibility & Enrollment Portals, e2PrEP Mobile Adherence Portal
Client Resource Center
Online Resource Guide
eCOMPAS Systems for Ryan White, HOPWA, Prevention &340B Programs
e2Community Platform Consumer Needs Assessment and Client Satisfaction Surveys
e2Community Resource Guide
e2MyHealth Low Literacy Patient Portal
e2PrEP Adherence Portal
e2QM Quality Management Modules: eCOMPAS Visual Analytics, e2Visual HAB, e2CareContinuum Dashboard
e2Virtual Site Visit & Virtual Work Systems
e2Learning Online Training and Certification

Reduce Administrative Burden
In our commitment to supporting your efforts to End the HIV Epidemic, RDE Systems has added a fifth pillar to the four pillars on which the US Department of Health and Human Services is basing its initiative: Using technology tools to more efficiently manage and utilize data, to Reduce Administrative Burden and save staff time, so more time and resources can be devoted to client care.

Connecting People in a Socially Distant World
In keeping with our mission to support our clients and partners in their efforts to End the HIV Epidemic during a Pandemic, RDE is pioneering a product line designed to help you stay connected to your clients, your peers and providers, and your funding sources, including telehealth tools such as the e2MyHealth Patient Portal, Client Eligibility and Enrollment Portals, and the e2PrEP Mobile Adherence Portal; online planning council training and consumer survey tools; intra-agency data sharing, shared eligibility and document sharing, and interoperability with EMRs and other data systems; and Virtual Site Visit, Virtual Audit and Telework systems.

Using Data to Make a Difference
RDE remains committed to its mission to provide user-friendly data management and data analysis tools, such as eCOMPAS Visual Analytics, the eCOMPAS Care Continuum Dashboard, the eCOMPAS Visual HAB Performance Measures Report, and other offerings in the e2QM suite, that enable our clients and partners to transform client level data into real-time, actionable aggregate and longitudinal data analyses, to chart and monitor trends over time for special populations, supporting targeted interventions to End the HIV Epidemic.
eCOMPAS Systems for Care & Treatment
eCOMPAS for Ryan White Parts A, B, C/D, MAI, ADAP, Oral Health/Dental SPNS and 340B
Integrated Reporting across Multiple Funding Sources
Interoperability with EMRs, State Medicare/Medicaid, CAREWare, & other Data Systems
eCOMPAS for Ryan White Parts A, B, C/D, MAI, ADAP, Oral Health/Dental SPNS and 340B
Integrated Reporting across Multiple Funding Sources
Interoperability with EMRs, State Medicare/Medicaid, CAREWare, & other Data Systems
eCOMPAS for HIV Prevention & Surveillance
e2Prevention for managing Prevention, PrEP, Drug User Health& Syringe Services Programs
e2PrEP Mobile Adherence Portal
e2Prevention HIV Testing
e2Harm Reduction
e2EBI Evidence-Based Intervention Management
e2PrEP Navigation
e2PrEP Cascade
e2 Health Education & Outreach
e2 Hotspot Tracker
eCOMPAS for Housing
HOPWA eCOMPAS Housing Data Management System
eCOMPAS Ryan White Housing Module
eCOMPAS HIMM (Housing Inventory Management Module)
HOPWA eCOMPAS Data Quality Dashboard
e2 Automated Rent Calculator
Automated APR, CAPER
RDE Red – Free & Innovative Resources to End the HIV Epidemic
e2Polls – Engage your audience with real-time polling
Free Online Resource Guide – Link Clients to Resources in your Community
Free Rent Calculator – Automated calculation of tenant rent and subsidies for HOPWA and RW Housing programs
e2Data Heroes – Saving the day with on demand Analytics, Queries, Grant Assistance
A unique range of product offerings that enables you to Build & Evolve your Dream System
Cutting Edge Technologies – Features of Every eCOMPAS System
Compliant with HIPAA, HITECH, and State Security and Privacy Rules
Highest Level of Patient Privacy and Security
Highest Level of Data Security
Zero Knowledge Encryption of Client Identifying Information
Intuitive, User-friendly UX
Web based & Mobile Accessible
Flexible, Customizable Platform
Visual Dashboards & Actionable Real-time Data
High Accessibility, High Performance, Minimal to No Unscheduled Downtime
See anything that you
could find useful?
We would be more than happy to schedule a demo of our services.