RDE Systems

A Unique Company
A Unique Philosophy
A Unique Technology Solution

Using the power of data

To keep you connected
To save time and resources
To make life better for you and your patients
To End the HIV Epidemic

Our Philosophy

RDE Systems, maker of the eCOMPAS® and e2® suite of software products, has been serving public health for over thirty years. We are proud that RDE has grown only by referrals, and not through marketing and advertising. Our business philosophy is simple, yet refreshingly uncommon in the industry: “If you do good things for good people, good things happen.” We are focused on the long-term interests of our clients, our commitment to Ending the HIV Epidemic, living our People-first approaches to all work, and serving those who serve People Living With or at Risk for HIV/AIDS.

Explore insights from national leaders as they present highlights from our recent conference sessions.

Dive into valuable perspectives at the RDE dissemination sites for each excellent conference

Empowering patients and clients with low health literacy apps

Empowering states to transform treatment, prevention, and housing programs

Empowering communities to advance health literacy and improve health equity using creative community engagement + a digital health literacy platform

Empowering the redefinition of treatment, prevention, and progress

The information contained within this document is the sole responsibility of the authors and does not reflect the official perspectives of, nor does it constitute an endorsement by HRSA, HHS, or the U.S. government.